Monday, August 27, 2007


An expression of hate

HATE is a feeling we usually feel when, well, we hate somebody (usually this feeling is meant for human beings). But why? The definition differs to each and everyone of us. Here's mine.

How could you possibly not hate someone who stabs you in the back?

How could you possibly not hate someone who acts differently in front of you and differently when with others that makes you look like the bad ones?

How could you possibly not hate someone whom you know does the illegally bad/wrong thing but deny it and yet point it out to other people?

How could you possibly not hate someone who protects the guilty like they were angels?

How could you possibly not hate someone who's thirsty of authority but she can never get it due to the hierarchy but still, she gets it through a really dumb person sitting at the top?

How could you possibly not hate someone who keeps denying the clearly bad things they've done and try their hardest to make it look innocent?

Why should I care for this shit as long as I get my monthly pay, that's good enough for me. Dont you think?


Anonymous said...

remind me to give u a blood pressure monitor as a besdei prezen ujung tahun nih. hehehehehe

Lynn said...

I feel you bro. Office politics at its ugliest kan. ;)

Janji keje kita siap and gaji kita masuk. Other matters, SCREW THEM. Haha!

pye:rudz said...

widz: enjoying yourself at langkawi?

lynn: best kan? cerita tikus itu ari?

Lynn said...

best best. one of the more intelligent animated movie ;)

Najwa Aiman said...

The sec. ek?